As you know, we often get the question: how is the garden doing? Well, the garden is in bloom. When one sees a bloom we know that fruit is not far off. In some cases we already have some fruit. Pictured in this article you can get a glimpse at some of the tomato plants that have already begun to bare fruit. Can you imagine what your garden would look like at this time? What type of plants would you have planted? Its never too late to begin thinking about next season. Write down 3 plants you would like to grow next year or start in your kitchen garden this month. Share your comments with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing!
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Tomato Plant with Fruit
Plant Bloosm
Pumpkin Flower in Bloom
Tomato Plant with Fruit
Garden in Bloom Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook
#gardenprogress #tomatoes #pumpkinflowerinbloom #shidonnaravengardenandcook #pumpkinflower #OrganicFood #startagarden #startingagarden #organicjourney #organicfoods #tomatoplantwithfruit #tomato #organic #shidonnaraven #OrganicGardening #tomatoplant #Garden #gardenobservation #OrganicGarden #kitchengarden