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Our garden started off humble and small. The enthusiasts and benefactors have been with us from the absolute beginning. We quickly went from a humble kitchen window seal to planning a full fledged garden within the same day. We appreciate all of you so much and wanted to thank you for all of your support.  

OUR Sponsors

We want to thank our sponsors for their continued support and commitment to health and environmental efforts that improve the health of us all.

Image by Ignacio Correia 🔴
Fresh Green Beans

“Once you go organic you will not regret it”

— Brother Butler, Sponsor

Growing Tomato Plants


— Sharon Johnson, Sponsor

OUR Benefactors

We want to thank our major supporters who support significant efforts and specific areas of common interest, which serve to improve the environment and consequently the health of all global citizens and the major health issues and concerns impacting us all. We wish you continued health, healing and wellness.

Figs and Prosciutto
New Flowers

“You can choose to stay anonymous, have your company or organization name listed or just your individual name. Thank you in advance”

Contact Us - Sponsors & Benefactors

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