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Pastoring & Policing

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

Source: UN Police

Unsplash, Mark Neal

During and prior to the pandemic we have seen March for Our Lives (promoting gun control - particularly in primary schools) to the Me Too movement and concerned citizens regarding the death of George Floyd. During which time we witness the police and military response to such protests, which has become the cornerstone action many Americans use to express thier strongly held views and historically to promote positive change within their country. Women and now children have marched for women's rights and gun control in schools respectively.

During the pandemic we witness, what we have at times witnessed in the past, police and military response to such protests that were contrary to what arches would call their right to freedom of speech. We also saw laws enacted making such protests federal crimes during a time of widespread economic hardship as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic when employment was already a pressing issue for many Americans. Many Americans and Congress people such as Nancy Pelosi were outraged by the laws restricting protesting. In fact, many of these Americans from the 60s saw and participated in marches and protests ranging from protesting the Vietnam war to promoting women rights. Protesting was very much apart of their generation and became a cornerstone to citizen expression during the 60s. One such law limiting protesting is (source: ICNL):



Allows municipalities in Lauderdale County to control where protesters may gather, and charge them expansive fees for a permit. Under the law, municipalities may prohibit spontaneous protests in public forums by requiring protesters to obtain permits in certain circumstances, including if the demonstration "will involve more than a certain number of individuals participating, as established by the municipality." The law also allows municipalities to charge protester organizers a permit fee that includes "the actual cost of cleanup," "the actual cost of the use of law enforcement officers," and "any other actual administrative cost incurred by the municipality." (See full text of bill here)

Status: enacted

Introduced 21 Feb 2021; Approved by Senate 16 March 2021; Approved by House 13 April 2021; Signed by Governor Ivey 27 April 2021

Issue(s): Damage Costs, Security Costs

One of the interesting about the United Nations Peace Officers, which over time may have changed to include more policing, is there commitment to remain neutral and to promote Peace.

This article is Not about protesting but rather Peace and Deescalation, which in modern times we could see in the Peace Officers of the United Nations placed around the world to bring bloodshed due to conflicts to an end or at least reduced. In a country where many come to us and say: we are becoming more militarized. As a military professional I know that military operations do not belong on a national level / at home.

As always, God is at the forefront of all things. Many of the issues faced by protesters are issues that were traditionally counseled to by family members and pastors. While some might say there is a place for marches and protesters and this is the cornerstone of American civil expression, others might suggest a return to more traditional methods that involving Pastor Officers rather than an increase in policing or the militarization of a country that prizes its freedoms: namely the freedom of speech. In an era were we are grappling with freedom of speech in the cyber world, we are eager to hear what you think. Express yourself: leave a comment about regarding your thoughts on the matter.


The mission of UN Police is to enhance international peace and security by supporting Member-States in conflict, post-conflict and other crisis situations. Its goal is to realize effective, efficient, representative, responsive and accountable police services that serve and protect the population. To that end, United Nations Police build and support or, where mandated, act as a substitute or partial substitute for host-State police capacity to prevent and detect crime, protect life and property and maintain public order and safety, in adherence to the rule of law and international human rights law (S/2018/1183).


Pastoral Counseling

Over the centuries pastoral counseling has been one of the main responsibilities of pastors throughout the church. Jesus provided pastoral counseling to his disciples and to the crowds that followed Him. He talked regularly with those who were physically sick and emotionally hurting. The Apostle Paul also gave pastoral counseling to his young students and preachers such as Timothy and Titus. He also gave pastoral counseling through his letter to Philemon to address the issue of Onesimus returning home. He even gave pastoral counsel to Peter as he attempted to correct the issues facing the church in book of Acts. Throughout all church history, pastoral counselors have been the foundational and focal point of helping people deal with all sorts of issues and problems. Pastors are frequently the first person church members will seek help from when dealing with grief and death issues, crisis situations, marriage struggles, family issues, health problems, job-related problems, etc.

Cite this entry as:Allen D. (2010) Pastoral Counseling. In: Leeming D.A., Madden K., Marlan S. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Springer, Boston, MA.

How do you define peace and resolution? What are your religious beliefs? Are you a baby boomer from the 60s? How can protest issues be issues of health or impact your health?

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