Source: Paramount Movies
Photo Source: Unsplash, Bill Oxford
Source: Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook. All Rights Reserved. Copyright. Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.
Isaiah 61:1
Verse Concepts
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord has anointed me
To bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives
And freedom to prisoners;
Source: Bible Knowing Jesus
Indeed, Elon Musk and others including NBS News, have told us the future is here. Biote
chnology and other medical and technologies have made mind reading and human and technology interface possible today! How can, are and will these technologies be used? Indeed there are already discussions to convict people for possible future crimes with technologies not yet approved by the FDA. Elon Musk and others have called for regulation of these industries and stated our response to what is possible today is not correct. What should be the regulations? What should be done about the brain chips already in the public at large without FDA approval? How can these technologies be used to induce crime where there is not true criminal? In 2015 the United States had 4.4% of the world's population and 21% of its total prisoners. The leader in the world in incarceration, according to Wiki-pedia.
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