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Gardening, Getting Started

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

By Shidonna Raven, Chef Editor

Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook, Soaring by Design. All Rights Reserved. Copyright. Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.

Image / Photo Source: Unsplash, Markus Spiske

Most of our family and friends are pretty excited about the garden and like me waiting on the edge of their seats for the harvest. “It looks ready” is becoming a popular comment around these parts. Me included! One of our friends decided to make the plunge and start with a pepper plant. We could not be more excited. We will be checking back in with her on the progress of her pepper and for more details. We know them to be pretty good cooks and like the most of us they enjoy a good meal. We can not wait to see what they will cook up from the plant(s) they harvest. How can you get started with your own inside or outside garden? Which plants do you enjoy cooking with? Which plant would you like to grow first? Share your comments with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing!

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