July 02, 2014
Source: Eco Watch
Photo Source: Unsplash,
1. Lower your cholesterol
Eating these terrifyingly tasty treats has been shown to lower bad cholesterol. In a 1985 study published in “Artery” it was shown that the capsaicin in habaneros reduced cholesterol in young female rabbits.
2. Reduce blood pressure
The capsaicin in habaneros also has been shown to also reduce high blood pressure. Apparently, capsaicin stimulates the increase of the insulin-like growth factor IGF-I which reduces blood pressure.
3. Fights weight gain
Can capsaicin help you control your weight? It sure can! Capsaicin increases thermogenesis throughout the body. The process of thermogenesis is what is involved in the raising and lowering of body temperature and if you increase that, you increase metabolism.
4. Cancer prevention
Because of the combinations of high content of vitamins C and A and capsaicin, this little pepper can prevent cancer in a big way by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells (particularly prostate) and by preventing the negative effects of free radicals.
Enough reasons to accept the dare of biting into a habanero pepper? Maybe you should start slow by adding a bit to your next taco. However you choose to eat the habanero, it may bring your tongue comfort to know that you are receiving multiple health benefits by eating the hot and healthy habanero.
How can you introduce other fruits and vegetables from your garden into your diet? Why? How could that improve your health? How could that improve the environment?
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