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24 Different Types of Gardens for Your Yard and Home

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

Sure, you know about flower gardens, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the different types of gardens you can design, plant, grow and nurture. We list, explain and provide photos of the 24 garden options you have for your home and yard.

Gardens are a staple to English homes. In fact, the English Housing Survey 2008 revealed that 78 percent of English homes have private gardens in their front and back yards. Dubai, on the other hand, houses the biggest garden in the world. Called Dubai Miracle Garden, it’s home to over 45 million flowers.

Kew gardens is another world-class garden famed for having the world’s largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections. It’s so precious that it has its own police force known as the Kew Constabulary which has been guarding the garden since 1847.

1. Vegetable Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Perhaps the most common type of garden that people look into is the vegetable garden. Vegetable gardens can be a lot of fun to maintain, and you will literally be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Unlike some of the other garden types that will be featured in this list, you will find that vegetable gardens have a lot of benefits to them aside from simple aesthetic appeal. You could potentially use your vegetable garden to provide your family with food.

It would be quite difficult to grow enough food to sustain an entire family, but many people enjoy lessening the number of vegetables that they have to buy at the store through their gardening efforts. This is also something that is very appealing to people who care about the environment. Environmental concerns are becoming more and more real every passing year. Being able to avoid buying packaged goods is a way that you can reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying the freshest vegetables possible.

Taking care of a vegetable garden isn’t necessarily simple, though. You will need to be careful with how you are caring for each type of vegetable that you decide to plant in your vegetable garden. Different vegetables will require different things, and some might need to be watered more often than others. Remaining vigilant is a necessity if you want to grow a successful vegetable garden.

Seeing all of your hard work pay off is incredibly satisfying, so your efforts will feel like they were worth it. If you can carefully plan out which vegetables you want to grow in your garden, then you shouldn’t have too tough of a time. It is advisable to pick vegetables that are easier for beginners to grow if you don’t have a lot of experience. Hardier vegetables will be easier for you to learn with, and you can attempt more fussy types of vegetables once you have gained confidence.

2. Flower Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

a. Rose Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

b. Tulip Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

c. Orchid gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook


There are literally thousands or millions of different flower gardens. Some include just one type of flower, like the three examples above, but most are a mix of different flowers.

Flower gardens are another type of garden that is really common. Almost everyone on the planet is able to appreciate the fact that flowers are quite beautiful. Having a really nice flower garden on your property is going to add a significant amount of aesthetic appeal to your yard. It’s a great way to add some color to your yard and make it more interesting from a visual perspective.

It can be tough to care for some types of flowers, so you will want to be careful which types of flowers you decide to plant in your garden. Going with common flowers shouldn’t give you too much trouble, as the information on how to care for them is readily available. Exotic flowers may have special needs and will require a deft hand in order to make them grow properly. You should do a small amount of research before choosing flowers for your garden.

As tempting as it may be to pick flowers simply based on how pretty they are, you should avoid doing this. There is an abundance of different options for what you can put in your garden. Many types of flowers exist, and some of them are not going to be well-suited to your area. You need to take everything into account before you decide to start planting.

If you really like a particular type of flower, but it doesn’t do well in the area where you live, then you should be able to find an option that provides a similar color that will please you. Planting flowers that don’t do well in extreme heat in the southern United States might be a bad idea. Conversely, planting a flower that needs lots of sunlight in an area that is regularly overcast may yield poor results. Plan out your flower garden carefully, and you will be able to enjoy having a beautiful yard in no time.

3. Herb Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

In the past, many people liked to grow medicinal herb gardens in order to have ingredients on hand that could be used to make medicine. With the advances in modern medicine, people don’t really grow herbs in their garden for these purposes very often. There are those who are into holistic medicinal approaches, though, and they like to keep medicinal herb gardens and make medicines in the old ways. This is certainly an option, but it isn’t something that many people do.

Modern herb gardens are more often used to grow herbs that are used as cooking ingredients and spices. Growing your own herbs will ensure that you will have fresh ingredients to use in your cooking. Being able to use fresh seasonings in your pasta sauces and other dishes can be very satisfying. It isn’t all that difficult to grow herbs, either, so the benefits are certainly worth the effort that you will have to put in.

Some of the herbs that people commonly like to grow in their gardens include basil, coriander, dill, sage, parsley, rosemary, mint, and fennel, to name a few. You shouldn’t have any trouble with growing these herbs, but do remember to look up their needs before planting them. It is always smart to familiarize yourself with the needs of any plant before you seed a garden. This allows you to be properly prepared and increases your chances of success.

Herb gardens can look really lovely, too. These garden types are not only very practical in their use, but they will also provide a lot of charm for your yard. It is possible to keep an indoor herb garden as well, but this is something that is more commonly done outdoors. Whatever approach you decide to take, it will be a very fun experience for you.

4. Raised Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Raised gardens are very important for people who live in areas that don’t have fertile soil. It can be frustrating when you want to start a garden and you find out that your soil is simply not up to snuff. There are ways that you can prepare your soil and enrich it so that you can make use of it. Sometimes the soil is so bad that this isn’t incredibly practical, and you are better off seeking an alternative method.

Building a raised garden is going to give you the space that you need in order to create a garden area. You will build a platform that will rest on top of the normal soil in your yard. This will act as the walls of your new garden. Once you have built the area, you can purchase fertile soil that will work well for the types of plants that you wish to put in your garden.

Fertile soil is the most important part of this process. You need to have soil that is going to give your plants the nutrients that they need in order to thrive. If you are having trouble figuring out exactly what to purchase, then it would be beneficial for you to do some research on the specific plants that you want to include. Different plants can require soils with a certain pH balance, so you will want to plan everything out accordingly.

Typically speaking, normal gardening soil should work well for your purposes. There may be times when a special blend of soil will be more beneficial, though. As long as you are diligent and look up the information that you need, it shouldn’t be difficult to create a beautiful raised garden. It will help you to avoid the difficulties of growing plants in your inadequate natural soil, and it won’t be difficult to make the raised garden platform.

5. Indoor Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

People who live in places that have heavy snowfall often need to turn to indoor gardening in order to get their fix. Colder climates can present difficulties for outdoor gardens, and you will only have so many months out of the year where you can viably plant things. If you have the ability to create an indoor garden area for yourself, then you will be able to garden all year round, if you so choose. This is excellent for someone who really loves gardening, as you will be able to enjoy your hobby more often.

Indoor gardening kits are available for purchase. These will include convenient planting solutions for different plants, as well as good soil that will help them to grow very strong. When you purchase one of these kits, it makes the entire process a whole lot easier. You can decide to go about things in a different way if you choose to, as well.

Some people like to build a more traditional gardening area inside of their homes. This will involve garden beds and normal gardening soil. You will have to have a dedicated space in your home in order to make this a reality. The indoor gardening kits make things a bit less messy and can be set up in part of a room without having to take up too much of your space.

Which method you decide to use will come down to your personal preference. Both of the options will work well to allow you to garden indoors. This is great for people who want to be able to plant things during the winter months. It shouldn’t be too difficult to have success with an indoor garden, as you will be able to control the temperature and water your plants as needed.

6. Community Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Many communities across North America have begun to create community garden areas. These areas are places where people can grow vegetables and other plants on community property. Typically, these community gardens are used to provide fruits and vegetables for people who need help. Everyone in the community is allowed to take a certain amount of food from the community garden on a monthly basis in certain areas.

Different communities are going to have different sets of rules for their community gardens. The important thing to remember is that this is a really nice opportunity for people to enjoy having a garden spot that they can tend to. So many people live in apartment complexes or condos that don’t have the space for a garden area. This is the only chance that some people will have to be able to experience gardening for themselves.

It can be very beneficial for people to enjoy gardening. It’s a relaxing hobby that can help you to focus and eliminate a certain amount of stress from your daily life. Being able to do this in a community environment can be a lot of fun, as you might wind up making new friends while participating. The intention of these community garden initiatives is to bring the community closer together, so building friendships are definitely in line with the spirit of a community garden.

If there is a community garden in your area, then you should ask questions to whoever is in charge of it. They will be able to tell you more about it and can go over the rules of the community garden for your benefit. This will allow you to decide whether or not you would like to participate. Growing food for underprivileged members of the community will definitely make you feel good.

7. Container Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Container gardens are really convenient for people who don’t have the space to plant more traditional garden areas. As you might expect by the name, container gardening involves planting things in different containers. These containers can be flower pots, tubs, totes, barrels, and many other types of containers. Proper amounts of soil are put inside of the container and then the planting is started.

Sometimes people make small container garden areas right on their porches. This can be really convenient as you will be able to step outside and quickly check on them as often as possible. Keeping your container garden close to the house can be sensible, but you will be able to place it elsewhere effectively. Some people even decide to do indoor container gardens.

One of the interesting aspects of this type of gardening is the fact that you can use containers that may not traditionally be used for gardening purposes. If you decide to use something like a barrel or a tote, you need to make sure that any drainage issues have been addressed. Your plants need to have the water drain out in order for them to stay healthy, so you want to make sure everything is set up just right.

To make everything as easy as possible, it might be best to try to buy flower pots and other containers that are specifically meant for planting. These can be purchased at most major retailers, and you will find a wide variety of them at plant nurseries. Don’t be afraid to ask for some expert advice if you are going to be doing your first container garden. The advice will prove useful, and it will allow you to have greater success.

8. Tropical Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Maintaining a tropical garden is something that only advanced gardeners should attempt. If you live in a tropical area, then you will be able to get away with having a tropical garden with modest gardening skills. Those who attempt to plant tropical gardens in places with different climates will have a much more difficult time. Tropical plants require ample amounts of water and high temperatures in order to thrive.

If you want to have success, then you will want to install an irrigation system for your tropical garden. This will allow you to have an easier time with keeping everything watered properly. If you can set up a good irrigation system, then everything should be able to get an ample amount of water without you having to worry. Your only concern will then be the temperatures.

There are methods to having success with tropical plants in slightly cooler climates. Covering your plants when the weather is starting to turn chilly is highly recommended. You could also consider growing them in a temperature controlled environment. This will allow you to maintain the proper temperature at all times, and your tropical plants will be able to thrive more readily.

9. Greenhouse Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

You have probably heard of greenhouse garden areas. These are amazingly convenient for when you want to be able to grow plants effectively. You are able to keep things warm for your plants, no matter what time of the year it is. This is a method that people use to grow plants when it isn’t normally the season for them to grow.

Setting up a greenhouse garden isn’t something that is going to be simple. It will take a lot of equipment and a good amount of money in order to get everything going. This method is something that is mostly used by serious farmers and extreme gardening aficionados. If this is something that appeals to you, then you may want to look into it further.

Mini-greenhouse areas have started popping up on the market. You can buy these a bit more inexpensively and will be able to use them to keep plants safe when it is colder outside. They’re actually really easy to use, but they aren’t as complex as a large greenhouse is. They’re still very useful, so you may want to consider purchasing one.

10. Botanical Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Botanical gardens are made in order to display as many different plant species as possible. They are dedicated to caring for plants and cultivating them. A lot of the times, you will find that these garden areas are able to be toured by the public. Sometimes, you will even see impressive species of plants that don’t normally grow in the areas where the garden is located.

Seeing an impressive amount of plants on display can be very inspiring. If you want to get some motivation to continue your home gardening projects, then checking out a botanical garden is going to be very nice. You will be blown away by how beautiful everything looks and will come out of the experience with a renewed respect for gardening. A lot of time and effort goes into these botanical gardens, and it’s easy to tell this when you look at how gorgeous the grounds are.

A proper botanical garden will usually be run by a primary gardener. This isn’t something that an average gardener would be able to maintain, as the scale is massive. It is an important type of garden when it comes to cataloging and preserving plant life. If you have one in your area, then it would be a real treat for you to visit it when you have the time.

If you aspire to be a botanical gardener one day, then you should really love spending time at one that is already set up. The primary gardener will likely be more than happy to answer any questions that you have, as well. It can be a really good learning experience, and you’ll take a lot of knowledge away from it if you take the time to ask questions. Tours are set up in a way that makes it easy to ask questions about specific plants, so you won’t have to feel awkward about asking things.

11. Therapeutic Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

Finally, some people have started creating gardens that are meant to be therapeutic. People who have very stressful lives or who have issues with anger management can benefit from gardening. Gardening is a very relaxing activity, and it is used to help treat the symptoms of anxiety, frustration, and even depression. Many people have benefited from therapeutic gardening sessions, and this treatment is likely to become even more prevalent in the future.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety have been on the rise for many years now. If you are one of the many people suffering from these problems, then gardening could be a good way for you to relax. It is good to take your mind off of your troubles when you can, and gardening is a perfect outlet for this. Whether you want to start a garden in your backyard, or if you need to do something indoors, it could be very beneficial from a therapeutic perspective.

Some treatment centers will have garden areas of their own that patients can make use of. Additionally, community garden areas have been used for therapeutic gardening purposes in many areas, as well. If you would like to know more about therapeutic gardening, it would be worthwhile to search for one in your area. Those who don’t have space for their own garden should be able to find options that they can make use of.

12. Succulent Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

There are several types of succulent gardens. They include outdoor, potted or terrariums. We have an entire gallery dedicated to them – check it out:

13. Rock/Zen Gardens

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14. Deck and Patio Gardens

There are 3 types of deck/patio gardens. Here they are:

a. Patio garden lounge

The patio garden lounge is a patio as an island in the garden. The example below is awesome.

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

b. Patio surrounded by a garden

A deck or patio surrounded by a garden is a deck/patio extending from the house with gardens around it.

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

c. Deck with planter garden

A deck/patio with planter garden is just that – planters arranged on the deck to create a garden on the deck.

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

15. Tire Gardens

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16. Bamboo Gardens

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17. Xeriscaped Gardens

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18. Fairy Gardens

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Kids love fairy gardens. They come in many forms – large, small, in the forest, in a flower garden, in a pot, etc. You simply buy or create fairy structures and figurines and arrange them into little scenes.

19. Labyrinth (garden maze)

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

20. Hedge gardens

There are 2 types of hedge gardens: decorative and privacy hedge. Here are examples of both.

a. Decorative hedge

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

b. Privacy hedge

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

21. Vertical Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

24. Ornamental Grass Gardens

Source: Home Stratosphere Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook

What type of garden will you grow this year? Many gardens can be edible even if they are flowers, but don’t have to be. How has this article helped you? Who will your garden be for?

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