Within our articles we focus tremendously on health and how your diet contributes to health. As many of us know Luther Vandeross struggled for many years with his weight. You will find that many healthy people are very lean and fit, similar to Barack Obama’s build. It wasn’t until Luther began to incorporate exercise with diet that he began to not only lose weight, but he kept it off and felt great about it. While we are not here to necessarily help anyone lose weight, we do hope that a proper diet will promote your good health. Furthermore, we believe you’re your overall health is enhanced when you incorporate regular exercise in your regular habits.
So, we thought we would be remiss not to mention exercise here within our articles. We went over to Mayo Clinic for further clarity on the matter. According to May Clinic, “exercise means being more physically active. Although people appropriately focus on diet when they’re trying to lose weight, being active also is an essential component of a weight-loss program. When you’re active, your body uses energy (calories) to move, helping to burn the calories you take in with food you eat.”
As we look at the calories we take in via food, by looking at our food labels, we can see how this has a direct coloration on our weight. When my aunt discovered that she was getting close to becoming a diabetic, she looked seriously at both her diet and her exercise, or lack thereof, routine and made some changes. Her doctors made many recommendations. When it came to exercise, she had to begin slowly and where she was at. She essentially went from the exercise she got during her daily house chore routine to making it a little more invigorating. Regardless of where you are, you can begin to introduce exercise into your regular routine and your overall health strategy.
1. Exercise controls weight
2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
Regular exercise helps prevent or manage many health problems and concerns, including:
Metabolic syndrome
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes
Many types of cancer
It can also help improve cognitive function and helps lower the risk of death from all causes.
3. Exercise improves mood
4. Exercise boosts energy
5. Exercise promotes better sleep
Click here to learn more about the benefits of exercise on your health and fitness from the Mayo Clinic. Take a few minutes to assess your current exercise routine. Do you feel you get enough exercise? How can you begin to introduce exercise into your daily routine? How can you work with professionals at your local fitness center or gym to develop a strategic exercise plan to address any health concerns you may have? Identify 1 -3 health concerns you have and post a comment. Share your comments with the community by positing them below. We will get back to you on some suggestions on how to help you get started. As always we recommend you work with a professional in your identified areas of concern and share with the community. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Stay healthy!
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