Source: NVirginia Bar Association
Photo / Image Source: Unsplash
Here are some of the more important Virginia laws related to health care. The Health Law Section of The Virginia Bar Association offers this information in hopes that it will be helpful to practitioners across the Commonwealth, whether they practice health care law full-time or only occasionally. Many of these laws are supplemented by regulations found in the Virginia Administrative Code. For ease of reference to these regulations, we have included a list of the titles in the Virginia Administrative Code that correspond to certain titles in the Code of Virginia. Furthermore, we have provided a linked index to help you navigate to the areas you wish to review, with links to the appropriate sections in the Code of Virginia. This list was last updated in February 2017. We hope that this list of health care laws will grow and develop over time through the input of its users. If you identify other laws or additional subject matter that you think would be helpful to include, or if you have any comments or questions about this document, please contact Pat Devine, Jon Joseph, Jamie Baskerville Martin, or Braxton McKee. Thank you for your assistance in making this list as useful as possible for all Virginia attorneys. DisclaimerThis summary of Virginia health care-related statutes serves only as a helpful starting point for any legal analysis and is not intended to be exhaustive or regularly updated. Users are encouraged to thoroughly research the relevant state laws and regulations. This summary is provided as a courtesy by the Health Law Section of The Virginia Bar Association and is not intended as legal advice. IndexCorresponding Code TitlesCode of Virginia |
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