Source: TD Jakes Ministries
Photo Source: Unsplash,
Sermon Health Analysis
The purpose of the sermon health analysis is to highlight the healing promises of the Lord delivered through the sermons you hear daily. Read the analysis, the sermon and all associated materials that you may apply the healing promises of God to your life and that the Lord may reveal his healing to you. The entire e-magazine and website is dedicated to your Journey of Healing. Take your time and enjoy every resource. We wish you good health.
Sermon Reference: Bishop T.D. Jakes: “Recognizing God’s Answer”
Sermon Deliverance: TD Jakes Ministries
Sermon Scripture: Exodus 16”1-5 and 31-32(Ekklesia - the called out ones)
Key Sermon Points:
God will drown what is chasing you
Greater is he (God) in you than what is chasing after you
Worry not about your enemies (that which may cause you disease)
Transition is a time of discomfort even when what is at the other end is better
God will always use (riement) what you have left over, i.e the women with a little flour and oil encountered by Eijah
God will feed you in the Wilderness
The Jews experience a transfer of wealth / supernatural debt cancellation walking though the Red Sea as the Egyptians drawn at the bottom of the Red Sea
God is an Accountant
Balancing books
Setting Records Straight
Glory & Blessings carry weight (cost)
God is both a Cover (cloud) and Guide (Light / Fire) for them as they go through the wilderness despite the nomatic and homeless nature of the Jews time in the wilderness following the Exodus from Egypt
Sometimes God has us operating in an atmosphere of uncertainty
God doesn't give you the details of your destination. This is a time when you are functioning in trauma. Despite the fact that we want to know, we walk by faith and not by sight
We must forsake our thoughts for his
Not our will be done but his
God will show you
Must walk in obedience despite not understanding
Must let go of your way so you can have his
God brings you out of fruitlessness into fruitfulness
With confirmation may come a Spirit of Affirmation
God maybe fixing something down in you and until he fixes you, you will lack understanding
(Why we call it a Journey): You have not seen the manifestation (physical result) but you can sense it / my Spirit Knows It
He will strip you of every post you are leaning on so that you will have faith and lean on him
Walking in Faith is the Now and God’s Will is the Future (manifestation)
God will put you in the Region of your Purpose, Blessing, His Will, etc.
When he puts you in the Region several things likely will occur
The devil attacks / fights you
All hell breaks loose
It's not what it what it looks like
Attempts to drive you from the Region (i.e. Legion cast out by Jesus is sent to drive Jesus away from the Region of the gentiles yet he tells the man to return to his home / stay in the Region and tell the people what God has done from him)
Do not give place or territory to Satan. You are Close!
The Greater the Attack the Greater the Blessing
The devil did not attack you until you got in the Region
Worship is to open your spiritual sense by means of the use of the senses and physical to usher in his presence.
God may come in a different form but his Sheep know his voice and a stranger they will not follow
In the case of Peter who not once but twice recognize who Jesus is despite the fact that many of his disciples do not (Jesus is the Christ and he recognizes him walking on the water) and upon this rock he builds his church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it: God will raise up, from time to time, a person(s) who will recognize who can sense what they do not see / they can re-cognize him although it is not cognitive.
Matthews 16:17
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
God’s answers do not always come / be recognized by us. They may come in a way we do not expect. For instance, when the Jews cry to Moses regarding food, God rains down Mana (translation, what is it). The mana they make into bread.’
When Moses gets the 10 commandments from God. He and God do it together. God gives him the commandments and Moses writes them on the tablet. It will not come by just God alone, but by God and man.
For your Blessing / Healing you will have to stretch for it. In other words God will send you Mana to which you must make bread to eat
Sermon Health Analysis:
In What ways will you and God work together towards your healing? How will you stretch? Have you opened yourself up to your healing coming in a way you do not expect?
Matthew 13:15
For this people's hearts has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.
End of Sermon Analysis
Meditate on the following:
The above Sermon Health Analysis
View the Sermon in full
Make your own sermon notes
Read the referenced scriptures
Pray and Mediate on the current areas you would like to be healed in
What are your beliefs? How do they impact your health? How is your prayer life?
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