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Situational contexts and forms of expression: Cults & Devotional

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

By Meghan

April 21, 2022

Source: Britannica

Photo Source: Unsplash,

Cultic and devotional

Religious experience receives its initial, practical expression in the forming of the cult that provides an orderly framework for the worship of the religious object. Worship includes expressions of praise, acknowledgments of the excellency of the divine, communion in the form of prayer, and the use of sacraments or visible objects that signify or represent the invisible sacred beyond them, feelings of joy and of peace expressed often in musical form, and sacrifice or the offering of gifts to the divine or in the name of the divine.

Worship is ordered by means of liturgy directing the experience of the worshipper in patterns that combine the written word, the spoken word, and sacred music in a unity aimed at bringing him or her into the presence of the divine.

Life crises and rites of passage

Religious experience has to do with the quality and purpose of life as a whole and with the ultimate destiny of the person. Certain special times and events in the course of life present themselves as occasions that are set apart and celebrated, because they direct human thought to the divine and the sacred with peculiar forcefulness.

These occasions, called life crises, are regarded as dangerous because they are transitional from one stage of life to another and open to view the relation of life as a whole to its sacred ground. Pregnancy and birth, the naming of a child, being initiated into the community—sometimes called “puberty rites”—the choice of a vocation, the celebration of marriage, and the time of death are experienced as special events distinct from the routine happenings of secular life.

These events represent “crises”—i.e., turning points—when the human relation to the sacred becomes a matter of special concern (see also rite of passage). As Gerardus van der Leeuw, a Dutch phenomenologist and historian of religions, points out, these transitional times are occasions for celebration in every culture because they mark the death of one stage and the birth of another in a universal cycle of life.

Sacred and secular

The marking off of these crisis occasions from the routine events of daily life points to the all-important distinction between the sacred and the secular. As directed toward the sacred, religious experience finds expression in the specifically religious form of the cult and in the cycle of sacred life. There is, however, a secular as well as a sacred life, and, since religious experience concerns the whole of life, the religious meaning must be related to all the dimensions of secular life—political, economic, moral, technological, and other.

The relationship is twofold; on the one hand, there is the bearing of the conception of the divine on standards of behaviour, and, on the other, there is the influence that the religious meaning has upon one’s general attitude toward life. The sacred, thus, makes its impact on the secular by providing principles that are to govern the relations between persons and by holding before humankind a vision of the divine that gives purpose to life as a whole.

Although the sacred retains its dynamism by becoming related to secular life, there is the constant danger that it will lose itself in the secular, unless specifically religious forms of life are preserved. The existence in every society of secret and mystery cults, of sacred brotherhoods, of groups of disciples devoted to holy men, of monastic orders, and, on the broadest scale, of established churches and denominations, points to the need felt to retain the sacred as a special domain that can neither be merged into nor contained within secular society.

Verbal, conceptual, and symbolic

In all of the world religions, religious experience receives its most enduring expression in the form of sacred scriptures and the body of commentary through which they are interpreted. Mythological and symbolic forms of expression are older than conceptual forms and systems of doctrine. Mythtakes the form of a story and represents the imaginative use of materials drawn from sensible experience in order to express a religious meaning surpassing the sensible world. Myths of creation in many religions give ample evidence of this imaginative function.

The task of the theologian using conceptual tools is to elucidate the thought content of the myth and other primary forms of religious expression—legend, parable, confession, lamentation, prophetic vision—and thereby reduce the degree of dependence on the sensible and imaginative elements.

It is important to distinguish devotional and liturgical expressions from the theological use of language. Creeds, confessions, psalms and hymns of praise, litanies and scriptures containing a record of the lives and experiences of sacred persons, all give immediate expression to the primary experience upon which a religious tradition is founded. Systems of theology and religious philosophy make their appearance when it becomes necessary to conceptualize and express consistently the body of belief about the divine, the world, and humanity implied in this primary experience.

Tension exists between religious experience and theological expression at two points: first, the pietistic and evangelical spirit in religion, as seen, for instance, in some forms of Protestant Christianity, and the bhakti devotional movement in Hinduism, seeks to preserve the primacy of experience at the expense of theology; second, those who acknowledge the indispensability of theology will also demand that its formulations remain in accord with the experience it is meant to express and interpret.

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