Organic or Not?
Farmers are not entirely happy with the current USDA standards for Organic foods. However, they do have some standards and have begun to make packaging more transparent and informative. But, what is the big deal if the product is Organic and it is not food. Well, doctors will tell you, should tell you, that if you will not put it in your body do not put it on your body. The body absorbs what you put on your body thus it digests it in an another form. So, although in this case the products seem to be non food Organic products, improper labeling a product as Organic can have repercussions for the body and thus are important. Did you know you can contact the FTC with false label claims? Did you know they can sue and enforce regulations? How does this change your shopping habits? Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sending this article to 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing!