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Molesting to Mad

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

By Dr. Thomas Szasz

Shidonna Raven, Chef Editor

Photo Source: Unsplash, Ospan Ali

Psychiatrist and social critic Thomas Szasz unsettled the psychiatric establishment in the 1960’s, challenging its foundational notions around normalcy, mental illness and treatment. By watching this pair of riveting interviews, Dr. Szasz will challenge you to explore and question your own cherished beliefs around diagnosis, psychotherapy and freedom; deepening your empathy for even the most challenging clients.



Thomas Szasz makes the case of the molestation of patients in several forms. One is via malingering. Historically and initially the patient came to the physician and faked illness. And as a matter of consequence was deemed a fraud and was likely suspected of some crime and thus turned over to the legal system. Hence, the close relationship between this branch of medicine and the legal system. This relationship has developed over time and taken other forms, which we will likely discuss in another article. Eventually, people like Charcot and Freud separated the body from the brain and disease, based on scientific evidence, from the subjective and illusive: diagnosis. In other words, they stopped handing patients over to the legal system and started taking their money and created a branch of medicine to facilitate the acquisition of profit and possessions. Therefore, unlike diseases of the body; diagnosis is a subjective diagnosis of the brain with baseless medical claims and medications that cause more harm than good and lack efficacy. Mental illness is not a disease, like the body, but rather a subjective diagnosis that medicalizes the human condition. According to Szasz, medication, hospitalization and mandates such as COVID 19 are coercive and threaten the freedoms Americans prize.

People like Charcot leave evidence of the sexual abuse that ran rampant in the mental health branch of medicine along with the inability, particularly of female patients to give birth as evidence of the assault, such as in the case of Briteny Spears and Meghan Marckle (fueled by fake news). So, there is sexual molestation. Szasz also highlights the physician coaxes the patient into conversations about those things that cause them to be mad and then shadows them for life molesting them into the

state of anger or madness. As Szasz explains emotions are apart of the human condition. Having no evidence of a disease mental health practitioners attempt to keep secret the fact that they play on patient' emotions and then medicate the human condition offering the patient an array of medications abdicating substance abuse, which they blame on illegal drug traffickers.

Indeed, one medical professional, found not guilty, was brought to trial with evidence of either killing her patients or trafficking drugs. Nonetheless, mental health physicians attempt to molest, or bother their patients into emotional states, which they attempt to legitimatize as symptoms and medicate with drugs that are useless nor cure anything.

In the mental health industry there is a desire to have control over patients lives and chiefly possessions in the interest of making profit hand over fist. There is a strong desire to have to the authority without responsibility or blame.


The macro-level above psychotherapy tactics that Dr. Szasz describes above also manifests itself on the micro-level in many forms, one such form is molestations, which in itself have several forms and meanings. In modern vernacular it can mean to either sexual assault or abuse someone or it can also mean to ‘bother’ someone. The terms are not mutually exclusive. In other words, one may begin by bothering someone i.e. name calling, which is motivated and leads to sexual abuse. Or it can be mutually exclusive where another person molests someone with the intent of perhaps defrauding them.

Either way molestation has long been apart of the history of psychiatry as was the case with Charcot and Freud. In fact, these molestations which have historically included medical or scientific experimentation to sexual abuse, which is highly prevalent within the industry - has in some cases, particularly in during Freud and Charcot’s time that involved retaliation or self-protection on the part of the patient. Out of this was born the covert notion that society had to be protected from these patients, while many within the field disagree on the matter.

Some will say the “mentally ill” or violent while others will say they are. The fact remains that many of the psychiatric tactics and methods remain controversial and historically abuse to the point where society waves in and out of acceptance of this branch of science and medicine have produced several horror films reflecting the abuse carried out an asylums, which are conveniently isolated form the public at large due to their historical and continued abusive nature upon society.

So, indeed it is society that should be protected from such medical and scientific practices on people that are often seen or perceived as the most vulnerable or marginalized in society (women, children, gay, poor, ill, homeless, immigrant, criminal, etc.). These numbers have grown more prevalent impacting border reaches of society that are not marginalized. In fact, nearly a fifth of society identifies with a mental illness as the medical industry has increasingly borden the DSM to include more and more medicalization of the human conditions such as shyness. It is thus increasingly clear that the public at large, by motivations of greed - clearly seen during the COVID pandemic, need to be protected from individuals and institutions within the medical industry. With red flags being raised within and outside the medical industry that medications and treatments cause more harm than good and in some cases are not even needed, it is clear that the disconnect between diagnosis and disease remains since the establishment of this branch of science.

Neither Charcot nor Freud could find evidence of the disease since the early days of the branch of science and according to Dr. Szasz they are still malingering to this day. They continue to drug behavior either unwanted or wanted seems irrelevant in many ways. As since Freud and Charcot’s time acting as some quasi jail system having attempted to elevate itself out of a lie of malingering or faking to a twisted form of protectionism and profit - resting on emotions and other behaviors apart of the human condition both “good” and “bad” and indifferent as a pose to scientific evidence or proof of or existence of an actual illness or disease. So the psychiatrist does not say I found a bacteria but I saw a behavior therefore I did not identify a disease I offered a subjective diagnosis based on baseless evidence my industry can not agree upon beyond medical coding and billing so that we can get paid for malingering with these patients

The doctor says well its all subjective not scientific diagnosis to get paid so, if the patient does not agree with my malingering then I will molest or bother the patient until they do. This can come in many forms in order to secure medical fraud. It could be financial persecution. It could be coaxing anger or shyness out of the patient or some other type of behavior aligned with the DSM medical billing and coding system that facilitates their income. And then the doctor can then see there I have seen it and gotten a few doctors to agree with me via vote because I can show no test or proof of disease and also by this means as an agent of the state, according to Dr. Szasz.

Furthermore, I can then also control to some degree these patients over here in accordance with the desire of the state to control its citizenry. And thus the psychiatry industry goes about molesting those patients who will not malinger with them by several means and seek to seal this with civil commitments, force and coercion while securing protections for themselves in an essence trying to free themselves into a scapegoat upon which they can exercise their historical and horrific medical experimentations and other aims in the name of science, medicine and chiefly profit under the guise of protecting those, the public at large, from which patients when it is the public at large and patients who need protections from such practices and tactics as Dr. Szasz points out.

How can such practices impact your health? Life? Why?

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