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Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta / Facebook: Social Media, the New Social-Psych Quest for Domination

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

By Shidonna Raven, Chef Editor

Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook. Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Please contact us for republishing permission and citation formatting.

Photo Source: Unsplash, R.C.

Psychiatry roots are deeply embedded in Roman Greco, and even Egyptian, mythology as are Mark Zuckerberg’s roots, his mother, in psychiatry. Other social media platforms like Tik Tok and Twitter has roots more in the circuitry of the computers that make up the networks we have come to know as the internet. Like Neurology, social media, technology, science and medicine since its inception have been closely linked from the beginning as some of the first emails and internet exchanges were sent by medical professionals.

So, what does this have to do with world domination? As of 2012 Independent UK Newspaper stated that if Facebook were a country it would be the world’s third largest country. And country’s around the world have at least attempted to pull Zuckerberg into court such as the case with the Cambridge Analytica scandal. While, Zuckerberg did show up to the United States congressional appointment many country’s are still waiting for Zuckerberg to appear in court. Zuckerberg seemed to make it clear that he was in control and to some degree that the internet realm where his social media is housed spans far more than the United States and was simply a different arena that perhaps could not nor should not be regulated nor controlled by one country. Indeed as if Facebook was its own entity separate from the rule and reach of government, shortly thereafter Facebook became Meta ushering in a whole new Meta-verse with Oculus in hand or at least on your face.

Facebook to date remains the largest social media platform in the world with far reaching impacts scaling borders, countries and even re-defining what people consider space. The Meta-verse has already begun to attract companies from Microsoft to McDonalds in a rush to gain space and profit in this new universe while governments around the world are still reeling and grappling with the Cambridge Analytica scandal and how to regulate or even police the internet. With regard to this publication the question is always: how does this impact your health?

Like Mark Zuckerberg who has also been pulled into court for Facebook/Meta’s impact on the mental health of children and are currently engaged in lawsuits regarding the matter, psychiatry alike has had its controversies since its inceptions. As modern medicine was becoming established in the late 1700s in Ancient Rome from, modern medicine as a branch of science took the scientific method much of what it basis its research and claims and even ability to reproduce pharmaceutical products on is the concept of the scientific method. The scientific method has long been used in mythology from Mesopotamia to Greco-Roman mythology and was used to take measurements and make predictions for humans based on the movement(s) of the celestial entities in the sky they observed, studied and worshiped. Indeed, medicine as we know it today and the oaths (Hippocratic Oath) they take remain to mythological gods and remains a religion, albeit a mythological, polytheistic, non-traditional religion.

In fact, not only is Mrs. Zuckerberg, the mother of Mark Zuckerberg and psychiatrist, Mrs. Zuckerberg, his wife, went on from Harvard where she and Mark attended and met to become a pediatrician and currently runs their philanthropic foundation, which involves the pursuit and eradication of disease for everyone. To overlook these influences and impacts on Mark and his businesses from What’s App to Meta seems to lack the identification of relevance to its members as would have been to overlook the Cambridge Analytica scandals impact on United States and governance around the world.

So how did psychiatry begin and get started? Psychiatry and the judicial system have had a close relationship since its inception. Having established the scientific method as standard of identifying the existence of disease or not, whether via natural means or disease mongering for profit, this was the standard they decided to use and moved forward with in order to establish modern medicine as we know it in the United States, and in many countries across the world. Psychiatry got its close relationship with the judicial system by means of malingering patients as Doctor Thomas Szasz. Essential the physicians at the time reported them to the judicial system along with their ‘secret’ if they could as fakes.

Interested in making money as physicians and establishing branches of medicine early pioneers of psychiatry like Charcot, French-man, and his understudy Freud, eager to establish himself in the profession and in society began to try to explain how these faking patients really did have a disease. Consequently, the officially separated patients heads from their bodies and essentially estranged psychiatry from other medical branches to this day often remaining a hybrid between teaching facility, medical profession and quasi-judicial system, i.e. the rise of the asylums and the murky concept of patient and criminal.

This moved estranged them from other medical branches similar to the branch of neurology, which had gain some popularity because of bio-technology and the desire to design and enhance the body even to living forever. Like psychiatry neurology has economic promises some simply can not refuse. The issue with the rest of the scientific and medical community is that psychiatry had to abandon the evidence of the presence of disease: the scientific method. Being a fake branch of medicine, while others maybe questionable, there are no measurements, tests or other modes of the scientific method, which the science and medical community used to establish their disciplines and on which they remained based today, which is why psychiatrist use the method of subjective diagnosis coupled with billing to get paid for what they do offering no presence of disease. What often happens in this case is the human condition is medicalized from emotions to sexual preference. In there in one can clearly see the concept of mythological religion (good and evil) play out at least within the belief system of mythology and their early partners: the judicial system.

The criminal essential is seen by a psychiatrist and rather than choose the judicial system as a form of punishment, he is given or offered the quasi judicial system of psychiatry and likely given some time if not life, even if in and out, in the psychiatric system, what Doctor Thomas Szasz refers to as the therapeutic state. This is where rather than turning the person over to the judicial system for faking or whatever other crime he committed, he remains as a patient of profit within the quasi-judicial system / therapeutic (drugged) state where he is deemed temporarily insane and given a lighter sentence within the formal judicial system. And now the psychiatrist is established as a ‘branch’ of medicine and can obtain profit. Doctor Thomas Szasz calls malingering and gaming. Like Neurology, psychiatry is not without its own fraud, lies and games and the toys they have to play with are ever increasing from Elon Musks Nuerolink brain chip to BCI (brain computer interfaces) and all those that fall in between including Facebook / Meta’s Oculus, which is used to take you into their new universe, which is not really real, correct?

Psychiatry along with its all of its toys has been used in many ways over time since its inception from control, to a instrument of a therapeutic states as Dr. Szasz calls it, to torture, to a quasi-science, medicine and therapy to a religious instrument of punishment, albeit with roots in mythology, polytheism and paganism, which one never talks about but scientist are often not of the traditional-religious faiths such as Christianity or Muslim faiths. Psychiatry has often as in the case of torture been used as a means and mode of control recently coined behavioral health. Psychiatry overtime often repackages itself like pharmaceutical already pre-approved as it swings in and out of social tolerance, acceptance and popularity. In fact the United States along with many country’s began to shut down asylums as horrors stories of experimentation, not healing and curing came out of their facilities. In fact, psychiatry never promises to heal you but they do promise to drug you for the legitimacy of their branch of medicine. So, despite its claims to treat people for conditions they can not prove by scientific method or any other method and prescribe medications that can not claim to treat nor heal and often are pulled off the shelves - the practice of psychiatry, along with other medical practices, has caused an alarming amount of harm as we have seen in the case with the opioids epidemic. So, we have seen it used as a means and method of control, which is simply a tool of domination, which is no surprise to see it also used by persons such as Mark Zuckerberg via Facebook / Meta along with claims from governments to the scientific community of acts of domination and lack of boundaries and consideration to appear in courts around the world when requested to do so making it clear to the United States government that he “was in control here.”

But from god, Asclepius, to applications psychiatry has always shown interest in commerce (profit) to theft. Asclepius the god of medicine and son of Apollo is often featured with the caduceus staff and symbol used for medicine (with two snakes and wings around a staff). However, the staff in mythology belongs to Hermes the deity of Greek mythology of roads, commerce, cunning, theft and patron of traders and rogues, much of which is practiced in psychiatry. As the initial standard goes within the scientific community without the proper and evidential application of the scientific method there is no disease, which seems of no consequence to its practitioners as long as there is profit and for those patients who initiate the lie and who don't (force and coercion) and the physicians who do the same there is the game. Again, despite the psychiatric industries claim to treat conditions, there is a huge lack of cooperation and consequently much game, force and coercion with its bed fellows being torture and control. Likely for a person like Mark Zuckerberg this means domination / world domination.

Excerpt from Doctor Thomas Szasz Book: “Psychiatry the Science of Lies”

Counterfeit art is forgery/ Counterfeit testimony is perjury. But counterfeit illness is illness, “mental illness” an illness officially decreed “an illness like any other.” The consequences of this policy - economic, legal, medical, moral, philosophical, political, and social-are momentous: counterfeits disability, counterfeit disease, counterfeit doctoring, and bureaucracies and industries administering, adjudicating, and providing for them make up a substantial part of the national economics of modern Western societies.

According to classic, pathological-scientific criteria, disease is a product manufactured by the body, in the same sense that urine is. Diagnosis, in contrast are. Charcot and Freud discarded the somatic pathological criterion of disease, destroying the empirical-rational basis for distinguishing real medical disorders of the body (disease) from fake psychiatric disorders or the “mind” (nondisease). Modern psychiatry is a gigantic edifice built on the poisoned ruins of this destruction.

Except for a few objectively identifiable brain disease, such as Alzheimer’s disease, there are neither biological or chemical test nor biopsy or necropsy findings for verifying or falsifying DSM diagnoses. It is noteworthy that in 1952, when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) published the first edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), it did not include hysteria in its roster of mental disease, even though it was the most common psychiatric diagnosis-disease until that time. The term’s historical and semantic allusions to women and uterus were too embarrassing. However, the APA did not declare hysteria to be non-disease; instead it renamed it “conversion reaction” and “somatization disorder.” Similarly, in 1973, when the APA removed homosexuality; when that term too, became an embarrassment, it too was abolished. However, psychiatric researchers lost no time “discovering” a host of new mental maladies, ranging from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to caffeinism and pathological gambling.

Objective biological, chemical, psychical test for disease are based on the assumption that disease are somatic phenomena. Accordingly, the claim that mental illness are brain diseases is profoundly self-contradictory: a disease of the brain is a brain disease, not a mental disease.

Because there are no objective methods for detecting the presence or establishing the absence of mental disease, and because psychiatric diagnoses are stigmatizing labels with the potential for causing far-reaching personal injury to the stigmatized person, the “mental patient’s” inability to prove his “psychiatric innocence” makes psychiatry one of the greatest dangers to liberty and responsibility in the modern world.

The legal system recognizes the elementary distinction between innocence and guilt. The psychiatric system does not: it proudly rejects the concept of personal responsibility in the modern world. Crime is a well-defined act. Mental illness is an ill-defined mental states. Criminal prosecution is defined, and popularly understood, as adversarial. Psychiatric treatment even when forcibly imposed by law, is defined and widely accepted as non-adversarial. Those differences, together with the notion of mental illness, are the two great lies and injustices that undergird the psychiatric enterprise.

Its is possible to establish that a person accused of a crime is not guilty, that is, has not performed the illegal act attributed to him and is the criticism of malicious prosecution serving, say, the personal-political ambitions of an unscrupulous district attorney; it is also possible to punish the person responsible for such malicious prosecution. In contrast, it is impossible to establish that a person diagnosed as mentally ill is not mentally ill and is the victims of malicious psyhciatrization serving, say, the economic-ideological ambitions of the diagnostician it is not possible to punish the person responsible for the injurious diagnosis that may be erroneous but, by definition, cannot be malicious.

Worthy of noting is the Zuckerberg Trauma Center department of Psychiatry at San Francisco General Hospital to which they have obviously given generous as so named: Zuckerberg Center. Nonetheless, over 300 scientist recently wrote an open letter requesting access to Facebook / Meta research stating it did not meet the scientific STANDARD and has questioned its impact on children and teens around the world not to mention the Meta-verse. Indeed, Facebook / Meta have been questioned, suited and regulated in and out of the United States for its reported practices. While for scientist the question of standard may remain for those in the psychiatric community access to Facebook / Meta’s research like the Cambridge Analytica scandal may have far reaching impacts for its members as the psychiatric community likely would like a piece of the pie as health data and records have been digitized, put on the internet and profitized from Facebook to Google all with little to now awareness nor authorization by the consumer still reeling from the Cambridge Analytica scandal and how to gain more privacy and security on the internet if not at least delete that which they never wanted there are used in such a manner in the first place, if they are aware of it, while companies such as Facebook / meta seek to push the limits of HIPPA, not a perfect law, to exclude the anonymous nature of in the medical data for better research which is often flawed and plagued by fraud to the lack of even more privacy and protection of the patient / consumer.

claims against Facebook/Meta from across the globe have included:

  • Sexual assaults from minors to adults particularly in virtual and gaming spaces

  • Data breaches such as Cambridge Analytica

  • The lack of the ability to Opt-Out

  • The Claim that their data and pictures belong to Facebook / Meta

  • The use of tracking, collection of data on and off their website and around the internet of not just individuals but of business’ website activities particularly those who partner with the platform

  • The use of the internet to exploit patent data and information

  • The lack of disclosure and clarity to the consumer on what is being collected

  • The rise of micro marketing targeting tactics via the internet for purposes of profit

  • The rise of new crimes and crimes via the use of the internet

  • Massive amounts of data mining

  • COVID as a game changer and the increased use of the internet

Mark Zuckerberg having left so many unanswered questions for the consumer since Cambridge Analytica, now wants you to go deeper into his Meta-verse to do everything: work, live and play. The questions surrounding the consumer and their health particularly with one who has a department within a hospital a history and marriage to medical professionals including psychiatry, is what are you giving up? Do you know? Facebook has been limited by governments from Cuba to Russia having been used as a platform from dissidents to those who simply disapprove of Russia and the Ukrainian war. Leaders around the world have made it clear that Facebook / Meta have crossed borders and perhaps even governments as many around the world are still waiting for him to appear in court.

Just what is Facebook / Meta doing? How does it impact your health? What psychiatric head games does it involved? Does it include control or torture to some degree? Where are your medical records? How is your data being used? Was there another breach? What privacy do you have in a rising surveillance state even if in China? How does a beardless social media platform impact surveillance and privacy? What are your questions and concerns? How does this impact your children? Will Zuckerberg dominate the Meta-verse?

How can such practices impact one's health? Life? Why?

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