Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook Please contact us for re-publishing permission and citation format
Featured Photo Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook
If you decided to grow fresh lemons indoors for the winter or year round, then you chose wisely for this delightful winter drink that is packed with many nutrients to help keep the winter cold at bay. As we know, during a pandemic, health is the new normal. So, make this drink apart of your winter diet.
Fresh Hot Lemon & Honey – Your favorite mug – One Fresh Lemon – Honey to taste – 1/4 tablespoon cinnamon – Hot water
Cut lemon in half and squeeze each half into the hot cup of water. Add lemon to taste and 1/4 tablespoon cinnamon. Mix all ingredients and enjoy.
What is your favorite winter drink? Why? Share the recipe.
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