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Harvesting more of Parsley

Our Parsley Plant has been doing wonderful. These herbs, along with many others, truly do like to be pruned and harvested. The more we harvest the more she has grown. Initially, we could only harvest a few leaves. Now that she is yielding more leaves since being pruned, there are plenty of leaves for a meal.

The wonderful thing about growing your own plants and maintaining plants is that they are gifts that keep on giving. Several plants can be feed and harvested time and time again. Many plants will last 2 years are more like this. Your savings will quickly add up with a herbal kitchen plant (kitchen garden) of your own. Many people simply do not buy fresh herbs because of the cost. After a couple of uses, a kitchen gardener will soon get their money back and then some.

We have grown this beautiful Parsley Plant Organically without any chemicals. While her seeds were not organic, she was grown organically. She has harvested well and stood the test of time. Furthermore, she has a deep as well as rich flavor and is ready to be taken home. You can pick her up locally (Norfolk, VA) and take her home for a $10 donation to Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook’s Garden. When you get her home start outside from your porch and then slowly acclimate her to your kitchen window seal over a 3 – 5 day period. Water her, giver her sun light, refresh her soil periodically and fertilize her with organic fertilizers every week or every other week to continue to feed her the nutrients she needs. Most importantly enjoy! Harvest about a third of the leaves at a time from the outside of the plant. Allow her leaves to grow back and continue to harvest. Should you have any questions, just post a comment or send us an email. Time is always of the essence so please do not wait or hesitate to ask us. Have your own recipe. Awesome! Share it with the community by posting it here. Thank you for your generous donation. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing!

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