By Shidonna Raven, Editor
March 29, 2024
Source: University of Maryland Extension
Photo Source: Unsplash,
Sustainable Gardening: Solutions to Climate Change
Manage stormwater runoff and conserve water
More frequent rainfall events and floods are anticipated with climate change. Help excess water slow down, soak in, and reduce erosion by creating a rain garden, swale, or vegetated buffer. Use rain barrels to store water for later use.
Learn how to incorporate stormwater practices around your home.
Create a Certified Bay-Wise Landscape to reduce polluted water runoff into the Chesapeake Bay.
Learn about steps you can take to conserve water in your landscape.
How can you introduce more (organic or natural) fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet? How could this impact the environment? How could a home garden contribute to your and your family's overall health?
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