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Gardening Series: Culture, History & Geography of the Currant Tomatoes

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Ethnic/Cultural Info

French explorer Aédéc Feuilléc collected one of the earliest specimens of Red Currant tomatoes to be depicted in a botanical work during an expedition to Peru in the early 1700s. Red Currant tomatoes have been seen in catalogs as early as 1859, and the Livingston Seed Company catalog simply described it as, "Smallest of all sorts," in 1918. There is considerable diversity in this group of tomatoes, made more complex by the widespread crossing of Currant tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. In fact, most Currant tomato varieties available in catalogs today are Currant tomato crosses, selections of the wild forms with improvements in fruit size or habit of growth that have been bred into them over the years.


The Red Currant tomato is native to the western coastal areas of Peru and Ecuador, where it grows as a sprawling weed. It is considered the closest descendent of the wild tomato, and based on genetic comparisons, the Red Currant split from the wild tomato roughly 1.4 million years ago. The Red Currant is likely the ancestor of all red-fruited tomatoes, from which an evolution in fruit size prospectively occurred early on in the domestication process. As a result, modern tomatoes can be at least one hundred times larger than their wild ancestors. The Red Currant tomato's size and region of natural habitat have remained unchanged since its discovery, and it can still be found growing wild in coastal South America, along with eleven other wild tomato species, although their populations are radically declining as natural territories are shrinking under urban development and intensive agriculture.

Recipe Ideas

Recipes that include Red Currant Tomatoes. Oneis easiest, three is harder.

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