Source: Chicago Botanical Garden
Photo Source: Unsplash,
Editor's Notes:
Gardening can be an amazing way to impact Climate Change, your health and the health of your family and friends.
Winter resolutions
Hang a bird feeder.
Build a compost bin.
Invest in an excellent pruner.
Order seeds for heirloom tomatoes so you can grow your own.
Try a new plant combo that pleases you (like tomoates, cucumbers and lettuce for a simple salad.
Prune a crabapple or pear tree into an espalier.
JOIN a Garden Club - Online.
Swap seeds with fellow gardeners at our Seed Swap.
Become a Climate Change Community Champion.
Get to know orchids (like the Orchards where Vanilla Beans come from or Saffron).
Build a Bird Feeder.
How can you introduce more (organic or natural) fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet? How could this impact the environment? How could a home garden contribute to your and your family's over all health?
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