Source: ONE: A Potter's House Church
Photo Source: Unsplash,
Sermon Health Analysis
The purpose of the sermon health analysis is to highlight the healing promises of the Lord delivered through the sermons you hear daily. Read the analysis, the sermon and all associated materials that you may apply the healing promises of God to your life and that the Lord may reveal his healing to you. The entire e-magazine and website is dedicated to your Journey of Healing. Take your time and enjoy every resource. We wish you good health.
Sermon Reference: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts: “Free to Become”
Published date: April 8, 2023
Sermon Deliverance: ONE: A Potter’s House Church
Sermon Scripture: Mark 9:21-27
Key Sermon Points:
A child has an unclean spirit, which Jesus rebukes and casts out the death and dumb spirit and commands the spirit to come out of the child and not to go back into the child.
God is a deliverer and what you are going through is a season.
God can deliver you in a way where the matter never returns to you.
God can do much with nothing to very little.
Recognize the mission of the spirit and respond appropriately.
Experience may be confusion, lack of answers and other things that come to challenge your faith.
Keep the faith.
Sermon Health Analysis:
In What ways will you and God work together towards your healing? How will you stretch? Have you opened yourself up to your healing coming in a way you do not expect?
End of Sermon Analysis
Meditate on the following:
The above Sermon Health Analysis
View the Sermon in full
Make your own sermon notes
Read the referenced scriptures
Pray and Meditate on the current areas you would like to be healed in
What are your beliefs? How do they impact your health? How is your prayer life?
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