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For your Mother

My neighbor’s mother has many flowers and plants adorning her yard. Her plants are huge, beautiful and well kept. So, when my neighbor saw this marigold he was immediately attracted to the marigold that had not yet sprouted. Since he first spotted her, she has grown up into a little plantling. She is in a pot with plenty of room to grow. Her leaves are short and complex blades stacked closely upon each other. Many flowers sport their foliage long before you every see a bloom collecting in the sun’s resources and feeding its growth so that it can bloom. As we stated earlier this week, the last of our container plants went out this week to homes across the Hampton Roads area. This marigold was one of the last ones to be delivered this week. We are expecting beautiful things out of her. There are many varieties of marigolds so this one promises to be different from what you typically see.

We feel in love with marigold when we saw her because she was a much needed solution to our persistent ant problem. True to our organic goals we did not use any chemicals to manage the ant problem but strategically placed marigolds around the garden and in time our ant problem dwindled down to not visible. But, just because they are not visible does not mean they are not there. Nonetheless, it resolved our ant problems more than once. In fact, we sent one of these plants home to a neighbor’s house as a companion plant. The dill plant we sent to our neighbors house was covered in plants, so we sent the marigold over also. The ants soon disappeared.

Parsley Plant Shidonna Raven Garden and Cooks

Have you ever given someone flowers as a gift? Were they living: a plant? What are the benefits of giving flower plants as gifts rather than cut flowers? Consider our last plant: parsley as a gift for someone special. She has harvested consistently and is doing great. She is a flat leaf parsley plant packing a punch of flavor. Share your comments with the community by positing them below. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing.

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