Featured Photo Source: Tesla Logo A Tesla is a beautiful car (piece of machinery) made by a true engineer at heart. So, when you see a Tesla it is pretty hard to miss. And when you see a Tesla electric charging station it is even harder to miss. They are definitely unique structures that stand out. We have one right in Norfolk at the Janaf Shopping Center not far from the Walmart. Norfolk, VA, USA may have its climate change challenges, but it is also a dynamic and progressive city with several positive climate change initiatives that we will be talking about. We are super excited to be living in the city that we believe is a jewel among many jewels in the state of Virginia.
We are still driving vehicles that are not electric. But, we have been doing out homework. It is reported that most electric cars costs comparably more in the beginning. But, over time we hear that the savings in maintenance and to power (electric vs. gas) yields a savings that adds up over time. Additionally, FuelEconomy.gov reports that there are also possible tax breaks for having a electric vehicle. We will continue doing our research and hope that our next vehicle can be electric. As the technology grows there continues to be more options for consumers new and used.
Do you own an electric vehicle? How long have you had it? Do you plan on buying an electric vehicles? What other benefits have you identified? What adjustments did you have to make when you purchased your first electric vehicle?
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