November 19, 2024
Source: The PEW Research Center
Photo / Image Source: Unsplash,
Majorities of White (62%) and Hispanic (58%) adults say they will probably not get an updated COVID-19 vaccine, while Black and Asian adults are evenly divided.
Half of Asian adults and 49% of Black adults say they already received or probably will get an updated vaccine. The same shares say they probably won’t get one. (Our estimates for Asian adults are representative of English speakers only.)
Where Black and Asian adults stand out from White adults is in the shares saying they plan to get an updated vaccine. Black (31%) and Asian (33%) adults are more likely than White adults (22%) to say they will probably get one. Similar shares of all three groups say they have already received one (16% for White and Asian adults, 18% for Black adults). Among Hispanic adults, 28% say they plan to get an updated vaccine and 13% say they have already received one.
White adults are especially divided by partisan affiliation. A majority of White Democrats (69%) say they plan to get or have already gotten an updated COVID-19 vaccine, compared with just 16% of White Republicans. Partisan gaps for other racial and ethnic groups are less pronounced.
Our February survey found that among Americans overall, there was little difference by race and ethnicity in the shares who reported receiving the 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine, five months after those vaccines were recommended.
Have you taken the vaccine? Were you mandated to? By whom?
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