As we often state, we believe exercise to be one of the 3 pillars of overall health. The other pillars being health (whether or not one is disease free) and diet. So, when the pandemic hit we were in our exercise grove. We felt great and exercise was contributing to our overall health. Then as we all know the pandemic hit. When the pandemic hit many things shut down and the world was forever changed. In Norfolk, VA, USA where we are, many things reopened a few months ago. But, like many others we were slow to venture out and have remained home as much as we can. Many people pivoted and simply exercised at home. Those people, organizations and companies who pivoted and pivoted fast and early were indeed smart. We wish them well as we wish everyone around the globe dealing with COVID 19 well.
We interrupted our exercising and did not exercise at home. However, we did change up our medicinal consumption. Before we were close to the path of healing but something was missing. Now that we have pivoted our medicinal consumption we feel that we are on the right track to healing. Stay tuned for updates on how the healing process progresses for us. We also made some simple changes in our diet based on our overall medical consumption strategy. We are also super happy to be back at the gym and implementing, what we feel is one of the pillars of good overall health, an exercise plan. We are back and with a partner. We both played sports, so we are excited to be exercising and getting physical again.
Despite the interruptions that COVID 19 have caused, not to mention the many illnesses and deaths, we are back stronger and healthier than ever. Did COVID 19 cause you to pivot your daily routines? What do you do at home now or in a different space than you did before COVID 19? What routines are you getting back into? Share your comments with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of health with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Keep sharing!
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