November 29, 2023
Source: RMI
Photo / Image Source: Unsplash,
RMI analyzes what this increase in corporate commitments means and introduces a new tool to measure impact.
On the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), the media buzz about corporate climate action is decidedly mixed. Optimism about the growing numbers of companies setting climate goals is tempered by disappointing news about the pace of many companies’ actions to achieve their goals. We are still creating new structures and systems to guide corporate climate action and working through challenges as these systems mature. Beneath the surface, however, there are encouraging signals. Strong systemic forces are inexorably driving more companies to report greenhouse gas emissions, set independently verified climate action targets, and implement strategies to achieve these goals.
RMI is creating new tools and methods, still under development, to better analyze the potential implications of corporate climate action. In this series, we assess recent developments across this landscape, including preliminary analysis from the Corporate Commitments and Emissions Explorer (Corporate Explorer), a new online tool that allows users to explore sectoral emissions targets and actions.
Does your company have a climate change plan? Is it complaint with current climate laws? Why? Why not?
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