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Amending your Soil & Feeding your Soil

Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

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Photo Source: Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook. Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Should your soil not be the correct type of soil for your plant or not the correct pH balance, you will need to amend your soil to suit your plants needs. One amends garden soil by either making it more acidic or alkaline. Different soil amendments will aid with this. Some being dry and others liquid. Choose the one right for your plant.

Your plant will also need to be feed. Contrary to popular belief, one feeds the soil of the plant not the plant itself directly. The plant will pull what it needs from the soil. Depending on what you are growing you may need to feed your plant organic matter or fertilizer prior and / or during planting. Discover what your individual plant needs are and plant / map your garden accordingly paying attention to which plants like which plants. Some plants may attract pollinators or deter pests common to your plant and thus are good companion plants.

This season we are going small. We planted: marjoram and white sage herbs, a jalapeno pepper and spinach plant. We also threw in a Marigold flower plant to keep the ants at bay. We are using GS Plant Organic Fish & Kelp Blend as well as Burpee Organic Bone Meal for a liquid and dry fertilizer to feed these herbs and plants this season. Try them and leave a comment telling us what you think. FYI the GS Plant - Organic Fish & Kelp Blend goes along way and will need to be diluted to apply.

What do you like to feed your plants? Why? Do you water the soil or the plant itself? Which should you do: pssst read the article!

Create your own Rain Garden: Find Out How. Have you tested your soil? What type of soil do you have? Is it appropriate for what you are growing? Do you need to amend your soil? How do you need to amend it?

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