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31 Different Types of Witches To Look Out For

Writer's picture: Shidonna RavenShidonna Raven

Source: Next Luxury

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Photo Source: Unsplash, Mallory J.

While perceptions change over time. A careful reading of the below article reveals that many witches often have connections to pagan traditions. While pagans may not perceive themselves as evil, historical witches have had a reputation for casting harmful spells upon others, which was often rooted back to mal-behvaiors such as poisionings and creating illness or misfortunes in others. The Salem Witch Trails of Massachusetts are one of several strings of the persecution of witches and their counterparts often for their high success in creating or imposing harm on others. Such as the string of werewolf trials in the 15th, 16th and 17th contrary. The names of thee pagan practitioners is often off putting in modern society because the names are often linked to secret practices and ancient Greco-Roman mythology for one example. Nonetheless, their practices are far from child's play and kid's cartoons.


For centuries, people shutter at the mention of evil witches flying around on brooms cursing villages with magic. The images of witches practicing witchcraft around a cauldron are iconic. However, witches aren’t some scary tale to frighten little kids.

Indeed, witches are very real and still exist. Before the Salem Witch trials, witches were an accepted part of society. They were wise healers that helped the sick and poor. They’d cure illness and save dying crops. That all changed in the 16th century when “witch” became a bad word. Decades later, Wicca helped change the evil perception of witches.

In modern times, witches have made quite the comeback, as have wizards. There are now several different types of witches. For instance, some witches have ties with nature, the earth, and the oceans. Some witches follow traditional witchcraft while others create their own rules. Then there are the witches that look to the future or practice dark magic. Of course, the types of witches break down further into several groups. They all have their own unique traits and trademarks that separate them from the rest of the witches.

1. Traditional Witch

For a Traditional Witch, magic has existed in the family for several generations. Traditional Witches even practice magic and witchcraft that’s older than Wicca. They have deep ties to their history and ancient folklore. A traditional witch dedicates themselves to the old ways of witchcraft. Indeed, they continue to study and learn from their ancient history.

2. Wiccan Witch Wicca is a form of witchcraft that has gained popularity over the last several decades. It first gained traction in the 1940s and grew from there. A Wiccan witch doesn’t have the structure of other religions and focuses more on rituals. The only real rule they have is never to harm anyone through magic. They’re healers that care deeply about the earth and environment. They also worship both a god and goddess.

3. Gardnerian Witch Gardnerian Wicca first showed up in the 1950s. It quickly spread worldwide and helped bring witchcraft back into the mainstream. Witches that want to join Gardnerian Wicca must be initiated and can’t just join the coven. Gardnerian Witches have strong connections with nature and try to make cultural changes. Gardnerian Wicca is very structured and never deviates from their practices and rituals.

4. Green Witch A Green Witch has a strong connection to the earth and mother nature. Of course, they often use oils, flowers, and herbs in their spells and potions. They even have their own gardens to grow such magical items. Green Witches spend most of their time healing the sick and tending to their garden. They love being outdoors and have a close connection with Mother Earth.

5. Hedge Witch A Hedge Witch is similar to a green witch, but there are some significant differences. They also have a strong connection to nature and healing. However, their magic is more about healing remedies. Their magic is often unique to the hedge witch. For instance, they usually craft their own style and magic. They also can jump between our world and the spiritual world. Rumors suggest the idea of witches riding a broom comes from Hedge Witches jumping to the otherworld.

6. Eclectic Witch Eclectic Witches don’t follow a specific ritual or style of witchcraft. They usually pick and choose certain parts to form their own personal style. They pretty much come up with any structure they want and don’t adhere to a strict set of rules. Eclectic Witches have many sources for inspiration, but the rules are up to the witch.

7. Hereditary Witch A Hereditary Witch is usually born into a family that practices witchcraft. The family likely has been part of witchcraft for thousands of generations. The magick is tied closely to the family and their history. However, a witch born in the family doesn’t have to practice witchcraft and can choose a different direction in life. At the same time, a witch born in the family can also practice their own individual magick.

8. Kitchen Witch A Kitchen Witch spends most of their time in the kitchen cooking up different spells. Their home is a sacred place where they create other rituals, potions, and spells. They combine their own energy with various herbs, oils, and garden-based items. They’re very nurturing witches and have a solid connection to mother nature. They’re also known as House Witches, Hearth Witches, and Cottage Witches.

9. Crystal Witch Witches gain their power in various ways but often have a connection to nature. Crystal Witches are no different. A Crystal Witch draws its power from crystals, gems, and rocks. Typically, a Crystal Witch feeds off the energy of crystals. They’re also good at feeling auras and energy around them.

10. Sea Witch Witches often feel a connection to different parts of the earth and nature. For instance, Sea Witches have links with the ocean. They strongly connect with water and other elements found in the sea. They use driftwood, shells, and sand in various spells and potions. Clearly, a sea witch incorporates water and the ocean into its magick. 11. Solitary Witch A Solitary Witch usually goes at it alone. They’re not part of a coven or any group of witches. They practice their own magick and don’t follow any specific rules. Solitary Witches can remain alone but can also join a coven. They have full control over their magic and the rules they choose to follow. 12. Cosmic Witch Some witches draw their power from plants and trees. Other witches go to the sea and gain their power from the ocean. Cosmic Witches look to the stars for their powers. Cosmic Witches are heavily into astronomy and astrology. They gain their power from the stars and moon cycle. They use cosmic energy from the stars for their spells and rituals.

13. Dianic Witch Dianic Witches are an all-female coven that focuses on the feminist aspects of witchcraft. They respect the goddess Diana and concentrate on all components, including the Crone, Mother, and Maiden. Obviously, no men are allowed to join the Dianic Witches and their witchcraft.

14. Ceremonial Witch Witches use all kinds of magick, spells, and potions. Each group has its own unique way of doing things. For instance, a Ceremonial Witch focuses on rituals to cast their spells. They often use spirits and other entities to help them with their rituals.

15. Secular Witch Secular Witches don’t practice witchcraft as a religion. They don’t worship a god, deity, or higher being. Of course, they still use spells, herbs, and crystals. However, they have no rituals and keep spirituality out of their magic. Indeed, these witches don’t even believe that there is unseen energy involved in their work.

16. Elemental Witch Elemental Witches base their practice on the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and air. They draw their powers from these four elements into their magick, spells, and rituals. It’s also common for an Elemental Witch to focus their energy on a specific element.

17. Solar Witch A Solar Witch or Sun Witch is unlike most of their counterparts. Instead of drawing their power from the Moon, Solar Witches gain their power from the Sun. They base their spells, rituals, and magick on light and the Sun. Most witches gain power from the darkness, but Solar Witches take a different approach.

18. Faery Witch A Faery Witch is atype of modern Wicca with a few slight changes. It draws heavily from Irish mythology and Ancient Celtic religions. Regardless, Faery Witches have more in common with Wicca traditions and witchcraft. The rituals usually take place in a forest area or lakes. They often practice outdoors and draw power from nature.

19. Alexandrian Witch Alexandrian witches are another form of Wicca. This type of witchcraft draws from several different forms and religions. In the 1960s, Alex and Maxine Sanders created the Alexandrian Wicca religion while living in the UK. There’s no set structure or rules they have to follow. Instead, they can pull from any type of witchcraft they prefer. However, they often use parts of Eclectic witchcraft and ceremonial.

20. Gray Witch Most witches try to use their magick for good instead of evil. However, gray witches are more willing to go to the dark side. Indeed, they often use both white and black magic in spells and rituals. Gray Witches are determined to gain justice no matter the cost. They also have strong ties with nature, trees, and the earth. They’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish their goal. 21. Coven-Based Witch Coven-Based Witches have gained in popularity over the last few decades. Coven-Based Witches practice magick with a larger group of witches. Ceremonies and rituals are a big part of the coven-based concept. The witches come together to combine their magick. It’s common for a High Priestess to lead the coven and set strict rules.

22. Baby Witch A Baby Witch is a new witch that’s just starting. They haven’t quite figured out which type of witchcraft suits them best. They usually practice the type they’re introduced to first. Eventually, a Baby Witch is encouraged to learn about other witchcraft and magick. It sometimes takes a few years for the witch to find the best witchcraft that works for them.

23. Augury Witch Each group of witches practices a different form of witchcraft. For instance, Augury Witches readvarious omens and signs to determine if the gods approve of a person’s spiritual journey. Nonetheless, they can’t predict the future or read prophecies. An Augury Witch is more like an interrupter. However, they interpret sacred signs and cosmic magic. 24. Divination Witch There are many forms of witchcraft. Witches often focus on one element or a specific aspect of nature. Each group covers a lot of ground, from trees and the ocean to the stars. Divination Witches are all about the future. They use their spells and magick to predict future events. There are several different ways to look into the future, including a pendulum, tasseography, oracle cards, Tarot cards, and palmistry.

25. Correllian Witch Correllian witchcraft is one of the most popular and common forms. In the late 20th century, Caroline High Correl founded Correllian Wicca, although it didn’t become a Wicca until the 90s. Caroline claimed she was a herbalist and spiritual leader with psychic abilities. She also claimed to be a Hereditary Witch and studied her family’s ancient religion. She combined aspects of her family witchcraft with her abilities to form a new Wicca. 26. Lunar Witch The Moon plays a significant role in most forms of witchcraft. However, Lunar Witches dedicate themselvesto harnessing the Moon’s magical powers. They understand the Moon’s cycles and use each phase in their rituals. A Lunar Witch draws their powers and spells from the Moon cycles and lunar energy.

27. Hellenic Witch Hellenic Witches havestrong ties to Greek mythology and pray to the ancient Greek gods. Indeed, they even study Greek philosophy and incorporate it into their daily practices. During their rituals, Hellenic Witches often make offerings to the gods. They’re also known for their hospitality and welcoming anyone into their homes.

28. Satanic Witch Several witches practice witchcraft as a religion. Indeed, many of the ancient witchcraft is closely associated with other religions. For example, Satanic Witchesworship Satan or the devil as it appears in Christianity. Satanic Witches, in part, set off the infamous Salem Witch trials. However, all witches were victims in the trial regardless of the type of witch they were.

29. Music Witch Music magick isn’t as common as it once was. Witchcraft, music, and magick have been linked together for centuries. At one point, music was a magical gift that few had. In ancient times, Music Witches believed that music and instruments could put a person in a trance. In modern times, witches incorporate music in several rituals and ceremonies to gain a deeper connection to their witchcraft.

30. Black Witch Most witches practice white magic and promise never to harm anyone. However, Black Witches take a different approach. They practice black magick with bad intentions and enjoy hurting people. They’re similar to Satan Witches, but there are slight differences. For instance, a Black Witch could be a Solitary Witch or part of a coven. Regardless, they’re more attracted to black magic and darkness. They’re one of the most common types of witches.

31. Seax Wicca In the 1970s, Raymond Buckland left the Gardnerian Wicca to start a new form of witchcraft called Seax Wicca. Buckland took inspiration from Gardnerian Wiccan and Anglo-Saxon paganism to create Seax Wiccan. Furthermore, they worship the god and goddess Woden and Freya. It’s quickly gained popularity in the United States.

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