Source: Shidonna Raven Marketing & Design Please contact us for permission to re-publish and citation format.
Feature Photo Source: Unsplash, Battlecreek Coffee Roasters Many clients often come to me wanting to build a website or design packaging for a product. In many ways, this makes a lot of sense. A website or a business card is how a customer or client first becomes introduced to your product or service.
Before Coke produced the packing for their cola they built a brand that is known around the world. And before they place a product on a shelf they implemented a marketing strategy. Clients often begin with the end in mind not given much thought to how major brands like Coke have realized the success they have.
A product or a service is simply bigger than a business card with multiple designs that often leave your customers and clients confused about your product or service rather than creating the brand loyalty major brands like Coke have come to enjoy. Coke was not built in a year or with one can of cola. Coke has been built over decades and generations. Coke, is a brand that has in fact lasted that long.
At Shidonna Raven we are here to help you build brand and strategies that will have longevity. How long have you been in business? What do your customers know about your product or service? Do you have a brand or brand identity? Do your customers know what it is?
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