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Shidonna Raven Company is a host of creative companies and organization including the following brands:

Shidonna Raven Marketing & Design

Shidonna Raven Marketing & Design is a marketing and design firm specializing in branding, digital, online and print - marketing, advertising and media.


Shidonna Raven Fine Art & Giclees

Shidonna Raven Fine Art & Giclees specializes in fine art, print, giclees mediums in 2D & 3D for private, corporate, public, interior design and home decor.


Shidonna Raven Garden & Cook

At our inception we were simply an organic baked goods company and have grown into an e magazine as well as a resource, news and information provider. At the center of everything we do is your health from offering our corporate partners a host of climate resources to private individuals to health care exclusives covering the pandemic and epidemic to gardening tips and techniques to a sweet indulgent organic cookie. The scope of Shidonna Raven Garden and Cook can not be described here. One must experience it for their selves. Click above.


Shidonna Raven Fashion

Shidonna Raven Fashion is dedicated to couture inspired, sustainable and hand made clothing, accessory fashion as well as heirloom and home designs for women, man, child and baby.


Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications

Shidonna Raven Patterns & Publications offers knit and crochet patterns via publications such as individual patterns and books.


Noble Knits & Crochets

Noble Knits & Crochets is an online knitting and crochet group based in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Noble Knits & Crochets, is where you discover friends and have available to you a host of news, resources and information such as curated tools, supplies, materials and experiences focused on the knitter and crocheter, where members can share projects and their passion for the fiber arts.



REPURPOSE by Shidonna Raven Fashion is a climate change conscious brand that reducesreusesrecycles & REPURPOSES women clothing to reduce the huge impact fashion has on our environment. Additionally we offer ReNEWED items as well, which are new and have never been worn and when possible are made from upcycled or recycled fabrics and materials. Thank you for joining us and being a customer. Enjoy your REPURPOSED items and Recycle gently used clothing.


In the midst of efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change around the world. RePurpose Fashion brand is purposed to encourage people to do their part, fashionably, to help prevent climate change by reducing, reusing, recycling, renewing and RePurposing the fashion they wear. The fashion industry along with other industries have a huge impact on climate change today. Instead of putting your gently used clothes in the landfill RePurpose them.


Click on each brand to learn more about the individuals brands and organization.

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