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Vintage & Style

Updated: Jul 14

By Shidonna Raven, Chief Editor

Source: Shidonna Raven Fashion

Photo Source: Shidonna Raven Fashion. All Rights Reserved. Copyright. Trademark.

Vintage is an interesting fashion phenomenon, which speaks to style. Vintage is the reminiscent revitalization of a particular style typically reaching a significant period back in time like the style associated with the Victorian age for example. Style unlike trends is more fixed and unchanging like the little black dress introduced by Channel. Since, Channel introduced the little black dress it has not left fashion; it is a style.

The resurrection of styles that are vintage, tells us that fashion is very cyclical when it comes to trends. While trends come and go style stays like the little black dress. Trends like vintage often make their way back around. In other words, over time these styles come back and often speak to larger styles.

Trends often take precedence over style in an industry that has moved from home-made and hand-made to mass produced and couture, like many products and services. People are often interested in what is hot and fleeting in fashion than what is timeless. Style is timeless. Trends come and go with more releases than the traditional four seasons the mass-produce fashion industry was originally established on.

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