Since the pandemic it has been a whole new world. House dresses are oh so comfortable, this is true. Although you are at home, it is important to remember that zoom is indeed a public space. A house dress is typically made for that: the house. While one maybe spending more time at home. It is important to remember that one’s wardrobe must still be ready for the professional, semi professional and public zoom meetings or virtual meetings that have become more popular in place of gathering all in one place. Putting on your best is still important because zoom takes you into a public space and some meeting are recorded. Keep your wardrobe abreast amid the pandemic by shopping our collections today.
How has COVID 19 changed what you wear? What do you typically wear to online meetings? Share your answers with the community by posting them below. Share the wealth of fashion with your friends and family by sharing this article with 3 people today. As always you are the best part of what we do. Shidonna Raven Fashion, here to help you Soar by Design.